The Vision of the Christ Guidance Mission is to Bring Glory to the Lord by Seeking and Saving the Lost.

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome to the website of Israel J Ponnappah Ministries. This is Rev. Dr. Israel J Ponnappah and his family: his wife, Sister Premalatha, and their children, Joshua Israel and his Wife Mabel Joshua and Jonathan Israel.
Rev. Dr. Israel J Ponnappah is an anointed man of God. Several years ago a decaying lung brought him to his death bed. God appeared to him and healed him. The Lord then commissioned him to preach the gospel throughout the world. Since then, he has become the founder and president of Christ Guidance Mission and Church of Glory. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, Master of Theology, Diploma in Co-operation, and a Doctorate in Divinity. He is also the senior pastor of the Church of Glory in South India. He travels extensively throughout the world, speaking and holding healing crusades and seminars.
She holds a Bachelor of Divinity. God has anointed her with a Gift of Worship. She leads the choir in Church of Glory. She travels with Dr. Israel J Ponnappah extensively.
First son of Dr.Israel J Ponnappah. He holds a Masters in International Business and also a Graduate from City Harvest school of Theology,Singapore. He has a great heart for music and worship. He is also an associate Pastor of Church of Glory and his wife Mabel Joshua who has a great call for souls at present she is pursuing her bachelors in Physiotherapy.
Second son of Dr.Israel J Ponnappah. He holds a Masters in International Business. He is the head of CGM Media. He Produces Dr.Israel J Ponnappah’s TV programs and all other ministerial productions.
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Christ Guidance Mission Trust
Post Box No. 5403, Railways Men’s Colony
Kavundampalayam, Coimbatore-641030
Tamil Nadu, South India
454 George Town short cut Road,
Crescent City,
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Christ Guidance Mission Trust
Post Box No. 5403, Railways Men’s Colony
Kavundampalayam, Coimbatore-641030
Tamil Nadu, South India
454 George Town short cut Road,
Crescent City,
Thank you for your support and may God bless you all.
© 2022 IJP Ministries | Dr. Israel J Ponnapah.